Acasă Blog



Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation (JESI) is indexed in the following databases for academic journals:

– Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ);
– EBSCO, Publishing Inc.;
– Open Academic Journal Index (OAJI);
– Index Copernicus;
– Google Scholar;
– Journalspedia.

  • Publishing staff

Editing: Ing. Iolanda Constanţa PANAIT

Cover: Mihai GĂZDARU

  •  Technical Sciences Academy of Romania

26, Dacia Blvd., Bucharest 030167, Romania

Tel.: (+4)021.316.89.93; E-mail:

  • AGIR Publishing House

118, Calea Victoriei, Bucharest 010093, Romania

Tel./fax: (+4)021.3168992; E-mail:


Editor-in-chief: Valeriu V. JINESCU
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Co-editor: Florin Teodor TANASESCU
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Honorary editor: Mihai MIHAITA
Honorary President of Technical Sciences Academy of Romania
Managing editor: Dan BOGDAN
AGIR Publishing House

Quarterly multidisciplinary scientific journal:

– covers all disciplines of engineering sciences;
– free of charge. No processing and submission charges;
– open access;
– hard copy version, ISSN 2601 -6699;
– on-line version, ISSN-L2537 – 320X;
– high visibility, anyone can read and/or download a paper;

Copyright. Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation (JESI) has the copyright for all the published papers; it is a Gold Open Access Journal.
The readers are free to download, copy and distribute the paper content, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation and cited the paper author(s).

Journals fusion. Starting January 01, 2022 the journals mentioned below fuse with JESI and terminate their activity. The issues specific to each journal will be included in the appropriate section of the JESI:

‒ the journal Termotehnica / Thermal Engineering / Thermotehnique, will be included in section Thermal Science and Engineering;

‒ the Romanian Journal of Mechanics will be included in the section Mechanical Engineering;

‒ the Journal Telecommunications will be included in the section Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Sciences and Engineering (starting with nr. 3/2022 of JESI journal).



A. Mechanical Engineering
Nicolae Vasiliu, Toma Cojocaru-Greblea, Ioan O.Nica, Constantin Călinoiu

Researches on the hybrid electro-hydraulic actuators


Daniela Tarnita, Marius Catana

3D Modelling and numerical simulations of menisci in normal and steoarthritic human knee joint


D. Environmental Engineering and Energy
Alexandra-Ioana Crăciun, Alexandru Ozunu
Comprehensive analysis and review of soil contamination and the associated risks at the Poșta-Rât Industrial Site in Turda, Cluj, Romania


Dinu Gîrneț, Gabriel Murariu, George Ghiocel Ojoc, Alexandru Viorel Vasiliu, Romana Drașovean, Lorena Deleanu
An analysis of water from Prut river near Cahul City


E. Civil Engineering and Transport Engineering

Dan Stematiu, Altan Abdulamit
Re-operationalization of dams to adapt to climate change in Romania


F. Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Computer Sciences and Engineering

Vlad Teodorașcu, Nicolae Burnete, Levente Botond Kocsis, Irina Duma, Nicolae Vlad Burnete, Andreia Molea, Ioana Cristina Sechel, Dan Mihai Filimon
Design and validation of an electrically assisted modular attachment demonstrator for lightweight cycles


Avijit Mallik, Rahat Rahman, Shaisful Islam
Modeling and control for a maglev system using Simulink platform simulation


Adrian A. Adăscăliței
Strategies used in blended and learning and virtual laboratories for STEAM education


H. Inter – and Transdisciplinarity in Science and Technology

Ioan Cuncev
Fundamentals for very long term planning


AGIR Publishing House

Special Issue
Most citated papers, published since 2016
To send an email to Editor click on his name.



Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation (JESI) is indexed in the following databases for academic journals:

– Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ);
– EBSCO, Publishing Inc.;
– Open Academic Journal Index (OAJI);
– Index Copernicus;
– Google Scholar;
– Journalspedia.

  • Publishing staff

Editing: Ing. Iolanda Constanţa PANAIT

Cover: Mihai GĂZDARU

  •  Technical Sciences Academy of Romania

26, Dacia Blvd., Bucharest 030167, Romania

Tel.: (+4)021.316.89.93; E-mail:

  • AGIR Publishing House

118, Calea Victoriei, Bucharest 010093, Romania

Tel./fax: (+4)021.3168992; E-mail:


Editor-in-chief: Valeriu V. JINESCU
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Co-editor: Florin Teodor TANASESCU
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Honorary editor: Mihai MIHAITA
Honorary President of Technical Sciences Academy of Romania
Managing editor: Dan BOGDAN
AGIR Publishing House

Quarterly multidisciplinary scientific journal:

– covers all disciplines of engineering sciences;
– free of charge. No processing and submission charges;
– open access;
– hard copy version, ISSN 2601 -6699;
– on-line version, ISSN-L2537 – 320X;
– high visibility, anyone can read and/or download a paper;

Copyright. Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation (JESI) has the copyright for all the published papers; it is a Gold Open Access Journal.
The readers are free to download, copy and distribute the paper content, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation and cited the paper author(s).

Journals fusion. Starting January 01, 2022 the journals mentioned below fuse with JESI and terminate their activity. The issues specific to each journal will be included in the appropriate section of the JESI:

‒ the journal Termotehnica / Thermal Engineering / Thermotehnique, will be included in section Thermal Science and Engineering;

‒ the Romanian Journal of Mechanics will be included in the section Mechanical Engineering;

‒ the Journal Telecommunications will be included in the section Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Sciences and Engineering (starting with nr. 3/2022 of JESI journal).



A. Mechanical Engineering
Doina Pisla, Bogdan Gherman, Paul Tucan, Adrian Pisla, Nadim Hajjar, Andrei Cailean, Călin Vaida

On the accuracy assessment of a parallel robot for the minimally invasive cancer treatment


C. Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Alexandra Jinga, Mărioara Abrudeanu, Vasile Radu, Alexandru Nitu, Livia Stoica
Study of the influence of zirconium hydrides on fatigue crack initiation at volumetric flaws on CANDU 600 reactor pressure tubes


Naomi A. Ogolo, Mike O. Onyekonwu, Abbey T. Michael

Problems of Stokes’ law application in determining the settling velocity of clays


D. Environmental Engineering and Energy
Eugen Rusu, Florin Onea, Alexandra Diaconita, Liliana Rusu
Assessment of the solar and wind energy potential related to Romanian southern lakes


Ionela-Mihaela Roșu (Marin), Cosmin Jinescu
Multiple pollution effects in urban areas on the environment and living organism


Zhonghua Cui, Alexandru Ozunu, Ying Li, Carmen Roba, Marin Șenilă, Jun Meng
Preparation of biochar from co-pyrolysis of carbide slag and swine manure for adsorption of heavy metal cadmium


E. Civil Engineering and Transport Engineering

Radu Zlatian, Ovidiu Dreșcă, Daniela Rachieru, Ștefan Boștină
Critical safety systems development. Railway application


F. Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Computer Sciences and Engineering

Olimpiu Pop, Lăcrămioara Grama, Corneliu Rusu
A preliminary estimation of an implementation of the network of acoustic sensors for the monitoring of wild area


Laura Teodora Cotorobai, Doru Florin Chiper
An efficient algorithm and architecture for the VLSI implementation of type IV DST using short quasi-band correlation structures allowing efficient incorporation of techniques used for hardware security


AGIR Publishing House

Special Issue
Most citated papers, published since 2016
To send an email to Editor click on his name.



Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation (JESI) is indexed in the following databases for academic journals:

– Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ);
– EBSCO, Publishing Inc.;
– Open Academic Journal Index (OAJI);
– Index Copernicus;
– Google Scholar;
– Journalspedia.

  • Publishing staff

Editing: Ing. Iolanda Constanţa PANAIT

Cover: Mihai GĂZDARU

  •  Technical Sciences Academy of Romania

26, Dacia Blvd., Bucharest 030167, Romania

Tel.: (+4)021.316.89.93; E-mail:

  • AGIR Publishing House

118, Calea Victoriei, Bucharest 010093, Romania

Tel./fax: (+4)021.3168992; E-mail:


Editor-in-chief: Valeriu V. JINESCU
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Co-editor: Florin Teodor TANASESCU
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Honorary editor: Mihai MIHAITA
Honorary President of Technical Sciences Academy of Romania
Managing editor: Dan BOGDAN
AGIR Publishing House

Quarterly multidisciplinary scientific journal:

– covers all disciplines of engineering sciences;
– free of charge. No processing and submission charges;
– open access;
– hard copy version, ISSN 2601 -6699;
– on-line version, ISSN-L2537 – 320X;
– high visibility, anyone can read and/or download a paper;

Copyright. Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation (JESI) has the copyright for all the published papers; it is a Gold Open Access Journal.
The readers are free to download, copy and distribute the paper content, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation and cited the paper author(s).

Journals fusion. Starting January 01, 2022 the journals mentioned below fuse with JESI and terminate their activity. The issues specific to each journal will be included in the appropriate section of the JESI:

‒ the journal Termotehnica / Thermal Engineering / Thermotehnique, will be included in section Thermal Science and Engineering;

‒ the Romanian Journal of Mechanics will be included in the section Mechanical Engineering;

‒ the Journal Telecommunications will be included in the section Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Sciences and Engineering (starting with nr. 3/2022 of JESI journal).



A. Mechanical Engineering
Mircea Radeș

Using principal response analysis in rotordynamics


Ioan Doroftei, Ovidiu-Vasile Crivoi, Ioan-Alexandru Doroftei
Theoretical aspects of internal-external gear pairs with small difference in number of teeth and their applications to cycloidal gear mechanisms


C. Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Petru Moldovan, Mihai Buțu, Mihai Brânzei, Constantin-Domenic Stăncel, Lucian Roșu

Advanced fabrication and characterization of ZrB2 reinforcement AA6063 matrix composites


Naomi A. Ogolo, Kingsley Amachree, Mike O. Onyekonwu
Clay stability with nanoparticles in a polar and non-polar liquid


D. Environmental Engineering and Energy
Viorel Bădescu
Best operation strategies for piezoelectric vibration energy harvester. III. Application to controllable inductance and capacitive loads


Liliana Rusu
An overview of the renewable energy potențial in the coastal environment of the Black Sea


Coman Tudor Adrian
Metallothermal power plants


Valeria Pop, Alexandru Ozunu
The degree of awareness of the risk of the microplastic particles/people’s perception in taking preventive measures for this type of risk


E. Civil Engineering and Transport Engineering

Dan Stematiu
Selecting the TMF alternatives based on the multi-criteria decision analysis


Șerban Raicu, Dorinela Costescu, Mihaela Popa
Assessment of the last-mile distribution performance in urban areas fragmented by transit infrastructure


AGIR Publishing House

Special Issue
Most citated papers, published since 2016
To send an email to Editor click on his name.



Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation (JESI) is indexed in the following databases for academic journals:

– Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ);
– EBSCO, Publishing Inc.;
– Open Academic Journal Index (OAJI);
– Index Copernicus;
– Google Scholar;
– Journalspedia.

  • Publishing staff

Editing: Ing. Iolanda Constanţa PANAIT

Cover: Mihai GĂZDARU

  •  Technical Sciences Academy of Romania

26, Dacia Blvd., Bucharest 030167, Romania

Tel.: (+4)021.316.89.93; E-mail:

  • AGIR Publishing House

118, Calea Victoriei, Bucharest 010093, Romania

Tel./fax: (+4)021.3168992; E-mail:


Editor-in-chief: Valeriu V. JINESCU
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Co-editor: Florin Teodor TANASESCU
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Honorary editor: Mihai MIHAITA
Honorary President of Technical Sciences Academy of Romania
Managing editor: Dan BOGDAN
AGIR Publishing House

Quarterly multidisciplinary scientific journal:

– covers all disciplines of engineering sciences;
– free of charge. No processing and submission charges;
– open access;
– hard copy version, ISSN 2601 -6699;
– on-line version, ISSN-L2537 – 320X;
– high visibility, anyone can read and/or download a paper;

Copyright. Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation (JESI) has the copyright for all the published papers; it is a Gold Open Access Journal.
The readers are free to download, copy and distribute the paper content, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation and cited the paper author(s).

Journals fusion. Starting January 01, 2022 the journals mentioned below fuse with JESI and terminate their activity. The issues specific to each journal will be included in the appropriate section of the JESI:

‒ the journal Termotehnica / Thermal Engineering / Thermotehnique, will be included in section Thermal Science and Engineering;

‒ the Romanian Journal of Mechanics will be included in the section Mechanical Engineering;

‒ the Journal Telecommunications will be included in the section Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Sciences and Engineering (starting with nr. 3/2022 of JESI journal).



A. Mechanical Engineering
Costică Atanasiu, Ștefan Sorohan

Buckling of perforated discs


Mircea Radeș
Locating excitation points in structural dynamic testing


Daniela Tarnita, Marius Georgescu, Gabriela Marinache, Diana Prunoiu, Danuț-Nicolae Tarnita
Study of human ankle joint stability during stairs up and stairs down


C. Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Corneliu Munteanu, Daniela-Lucia Chicet, Bogdan Istrate, Adrian Ștefan, Ioan Vida-Simiti

Influence of deposition technology on the morphology of chromium carbide-based powder coatings


Simona Nicoleta Mazurchevici, Alina Marguta, Dumitru Nedelcu
Enhancing the characteristics of bio-based polymers coated with ceramic particles


Achmad Nandang Roziafanto, Imas Solihat, Ardina Purnama Tirta, Sania Gani
Phenolic and flavonoids compounds Punica Granatum L peel extracts obtained under different extraction conditions and their antioxidant properties


D. Environmental Engineering and Energy
Mircea Eremia, Lucian Toma, Mihai Sanduleac, Ioan-Cătălin Damian
Aspects regarding the resilience concept in power system Part I: Challenges and resilience in power systems



H. Inter – and Transdisciplinarity in Science and Technology

Ioan Cuncev
Strange behaviours of profit – making system


AGIR Publishing House

Special Issue
Most citated papers, published since 2016
To send an email to Editor click on his name.



Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation (JESI) is indexed in the following databases for academic journals:

– Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ);
– EBSCO, Publishing Inc.;
– Open Academic Journal Index (OAJI);
– Index Copernicus;
– Google Scholar;
– Journalspedia.

  • Publishing staff

Editing: Ing. Iolanda Constanţa PANAIT

Cover: Mihai GĂZDARU

  •  Technical Sciences Academy of Romania

26, Dacia Blvd., Bucharest 030167, Romania

Tel.: (+4)021.316.89.93; E-mail:

  • AGIR Publishing House

118, Calea Victoriei, Bucharest 010093, Romania

Tel./fax: (+4)021.3168992; E-mail:


Editor-in-chief: Valeriu V. JINESCU
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Co-editor: Florin Teodor TANASESCU
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Honorary editor: Mihai MIHAITA
Honorary President of Technical Sciences Academy of Romania
Managing editor: Dan BOGDAN
AGIR Publishing House

Quarterly multidisciplinary scientific journal:

– covers all disciplines of engineering sciences;
– free of charge. No processing and submission charges;
– open access;
– hard copy version, ISSN 2601 -6699;
– on-line version, ISSN-L2537 – 320X;
– high visibility, anyone can read and/or download a paper;

Copyright. Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation (JESI) has the copyright for all the published papers; it is a Gold Open Access Journal.
The readers are free to download, copy and distribute the paper content, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation and cited the paper author(s).

Journals fusion. Starting January 01, 2022 the journals mentioned below fuse with JESI and terminate their activity. The issues specific to each journal will be included in the appropriate section of the JESI:

‒ the journal Termotehnica / Thermal Engineering / Thermotehnique, will be included in section Thermal Science and Engineering;

‒ the Romanian Journal of Mechanics will be included in the section Mechanical Engineering;

‒ the Journal Telecommunications will be included in the section Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Sciences and Engineering (starting with nr. 3/2022 of JESI journal).



A. Mechanical Engineering
Ioan Doroftei, Claudia-Ana Morar, Marius-Gheorghe Hagan
Design and kinematic modeling of a mobile manipulator with hybrid locomotion for agricultural applications


C. Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Patrice Berthod
Oxidation of a conventionally cast Cantor high entropy alloy in an argon flow during creep tests at high temperature


Bratosin Ionut, Ghica Valeriu-Gabriel
Cobalt recovery technologies from spent Li-ion batteries


D. Environmental Engineering and Energy
Avijit Das
Development of a multipurpose heat treatment apparatus favorable for the growth of solution-based large-size crystal


E. Civil Engineering and Transport Engineering
Dan Stematiu, Altan Abdulamit
Safety of a historical Dam in Romania


Claudiu Nedelescu, Angel Chiru
Active and passive safety systems of the automobile


F. Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Computer Sciences and Engineering

Ion Bibicu
Developments in Mössbauer Spectroscopy technique


Liviu-Cristian Miclea, Alexandru Ciobotaru, Marius Misaros, Cosmina Corches
Dependable Cyber-Physical Systems: concepts, challenges and case studies


AGIR Publishing House

Special Issue
Most citated papers, published since 2016
To send an email to Editor click on his name.



Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation (JESI) is indexed in the following databases for academic journals:

– Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ);
– EBSCO, Publishing Inc.;
– Open Academic Journal Index (OAJI);
– Index Copernicus;
– Google Scholar;
– Journalspedia.

  • Publishing staff

Editing: Ing. Iolanda Constanţa PANAIT

Cover: Mihai GĂZDARU

  •  Technical Sciences Academy of Romania

26, Dacia Blvd., Bucharest 030167, Romania

Tel.: (+4)021.316.89.93; E-mail:

  • AGIR Publishing House

118, Calea Victoriei, Bucharest 010093, Romania

Tel./fax: (+4)021.3168992; E-mail:


Editor-in-chief: Valeriu V. JINESCU
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Co-editor: Florin Teodor TANASESCU
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Honorary editor: Mihai MIHAITA
Honorary President of Technical Sciences Academy of Romania
Managing editor: Dan BOGDAN
AGIR Publishing House

Quarterly multidisciplinary scientific journal:

– covers all disciplines of engineering sciences;
– free of charge. No processing and submission charges;
– open access;
– hard copy version, ISSN 2601 -6699;
– on-line version, ISSN-L2537 – 320X;
– high visibility, anyone can read and/or download a paper;

Copyright. Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation (JESI) has the copyright for all the published papers; it is a Gold Open Access Journal.
The readers are free to download, copy and distribute the paper content, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation and cited the paper author(s).

Journals fusion. Starting January 01, 2022 the journals mentioned below fuse with JESI and terminate their activity. The issues specific to each journal will be included in the appropriate section of the JESI:

‒ the journal Termotehnica / Thermal Engineering / Thermotehnique, will be included in section Thermal Science and Engineering;

‒ the Romanian Journal of Mechanics will be included in the section Mechanical Engineering;

‒ the Journal Telecommunications will be included in the section Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Sciences and Engineering (starting with nr. 3/2022 of JESI journal).



A. Mechanical Engineering
Costică Atanasiu, Ștefan Sorohan
Stress state in perforated discs


Alămoreanu Mircea, Vasilescu Andrei
Analysis of the carrier cable of gravity transport installations subject to the action of the wind


D. Environmental Engineering and Energy
Viorel Badescu
Best operation strategies for piezoelectric vibration energy harvesters. II. Application to simple or induction-assisted resistive loads


Nai-Xing Wang, Lei-Yang Zhang, Yue-Hua-Wu, Dumitra Lucan
Some sulphur – containing double combination reagents


Dragoș Buzdugan, Cosmin Codrean, Sebastian Ambruș, Viorel-Aurel Șerban
Self-fluxing amorphous Nickel-based alloys obtained by different techniques. Performance and technological difficulties


E. Civil Engineering and Transport Engineering
Irina Duma, Dragoș-Daniel Trușcă, Nicolae Burnete, Adrian Todoruț
Research on the study of frontal collision between a vehicle and a fixed rigid barrier


E. Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Computer Sciences and Engineering

Muhanned AL-Rawi, Muaayed AL-Rawi
On the simulation of three phase induction machine


Vasile Sima
Performance improvement in computing the L-infinity norm of descriptor systems


G. Petroleum and Mining Engineering
Sorin Mihai Radu, Nicolae Iliaș, Iulian Offenberg
Training of specialists for the valorization of mineral resources of the globe


G. Inter – and Transdisciplinary in Science and Technology
Ioan Cuncev
Passing the systems among levels of quantum reality


AGIR Publishing House

Special Issue
Most citated papers, published since 2016
To send an email to Editor click on his name.



Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation (JESI) is indexed in the following databases for academic journals:

– Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ);
– EBSCO, Publishing Inc.;
– Open Academic Journal Index (OAJI);
– Index Copernicus;
– Google Scholar;
– Journalspedia.

  • Publishing staff

Editing: Ing. Iolanda Constanţa PANAIT

Cover: Mihai GĂZDARU

  •  Technical Sciences Academy of Romania

26, Dacia Blvd., Bucharest 030167, Romania

Tel.: (+4)021.316.89.93; E-mail:

  • AGIR Publishing House

118, Calea Victoriei, Bucharest 010093, Romania

Tel./fax: (+4)021.3168992; E-mail:


Editor-in-chief: Valeriu V. JINESCU
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Co-editor: Florin Teodor TANASESCU
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Honorary editor: Mihai MIHAITA
Honorary President of Technical Sciences Academy of Romania
Managing editor: Dan BOGDAN
AGIR Publishing House

Quarterly multidisciplinary scientific journal:

– covers all disciplines of engineering sciences;
– free of charge. No processing and submission charges;
– open access;
– hard copy version, ISSN 2601 -6699;
– on-line version, ISSN-L2537 – 320X;
– high visibility, anyone can read and/or download a paper;

Copyright. Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation (JESI) has the copyright for all the published papers; it is a Gold Open Access Journal.
The readers are free to download, copy and distribute the paper content, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation and cited the paper author(s).

Journals fusion. Starting January 01, 2022 the journals mentioned below fuse with JESI and terminate their activity. The issues specific to each journal will be included in the appropriate section of the JESI:

‒ the journal Termotehnica / Thermal Engineering / Thermotehnique, will be included in section Thermal Science and Engineering;

‒ the Romanian Journal of Mechanics will be included in the section Mechanical Engineering;

‒ the Journal Telecommunications will be included in the section Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Sciences and Engineering.



A. Mechanical Engineering
Alina Marguta, Simona-Nicoleta Mazurchevici, Dumitru Nedelcu
Coating of a lignin-based polymer with ceramic micro-powders


Mircea Radeș
Modal screening of vibrating systems with local modes


Daniela Tarniţă, Alin Petcu, Gabriela Marinache, Dan Marghitu
Experimental evaluation of the treadmill speed and incline effects on the ankle kinematics in healthy subjects


Ionel Staretu
The most important source of inspiration for artificial gripping systems are natural gripping systems


C. Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering
Nassima Chenikha, Pauline Spaeter, Corentin Gay, Anne Verniere, Patrice Berthod
Microstructures in as–cast condition of Medium Entropy Alloys designed to contain eutectic carbides TaC or HfC


D. Environmental Engineering and Energy
Viorel Badescu
Best operation strategies for piezoelectric vibration energy harvesters. I. Theory


E. Civil Engineering and Transport Engineering
Dan Constantinescu, Horia Petran, Cristian Petcu
Functional principles of the envelope characterized by the variable thermal resistance of the wall as a result of parietodynamic exhaust effect (PDE)


Popa Mădălin-Florin, Burnete Nicolae, Capătă Dorin, Jurchiș Bogdan-Manolin
Analysis of truck braking using multiple simulations


G. Petroleum and Mining Engineering
Valentin-Paul Tudorache, Niculae-Napoleon Antonescu
The efficiency of the horizontal directional drilling method in the rehabilitation and modernization projects of the underground infrastructuredy


AGIR Publishing House

Special Issue
Most citated papers, published since 2016
To send an email to Editor click on his name.



Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation (JESI) is indexed in the following databases for academic journals:

– Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ);
– EBSCO, Publishing Inc.;
– Open Academic Journal Index (OAJI);
– Index Copernicus;
– Google Scholar;
– Journalspedia.

  • Publishing staff

Editing: Ing. Iolanda Constanţa PANAIT

Cover: Mihai GĂZDARU

  •  Technical Sciences Academy of Romania

26, Dacia Blvd., Bucharest 030167, Romania

Tel.: (+4)021.316.89.93; E-mail:

  • AGIR Publishing House

118, Calea Victoriei, Bucharest 010093, Romania

Tel./fax: (+4)021.3168992; E-mail:


Editor-in-chief: Valeriu V. JINESCU
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Co-editor: Florin Teodor TANASESCU
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Honorary editor: Mihai MIHAITA
Honorary President of Technical Sciences Academy of Romania
Managing editor: Dan BOGDAN
AGIR Publishing House

Quarterly multidisciplinary scientific journal:

– covers all disciplines of engineering sciences;
– free of charge. No processing and submission charges;
– open access;
– hard copy version, ISSN 2601 -6699;
– on-line version, ISSN-L2537 – 320X;
– high visibility, anyone can read and/or download a paper;

Copyright. Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation (JESI) has the copyright for all the published papers; it is a Gold Open Access Journal.
The readers are free to download, copy and distribute the paper content, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation and cited the paper author(s).

Journals fusion. Starting January 01, 2022 the journals mentioned below fuse with JESI and terminate their activity. The issues specific to each journal will be included in the appropriate section of the JESI:

‒ the journal Termotehnica / Thermal Engineering / Thermotehnique, will be included in section Thermal Science and Engineering;

‒ the Romanian Journal of Mechanics will be included in the section Mechanical Engineering;

‒ the Journal Telecommunications will be included in the section Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Sciences and Engineering.



A. Mechanical Engineering
Larisa Titire Chiper, George Ghiocel Ojoc, Ioana Gabriela Chiracu, Lorena

The influence of introducing the cohesive zone model in simulating the impact of stratified compositeshe influence of Poisson’s ratio in the calculus of functionally graded plates


C. Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering
Ioan Ilca, Daniela Miloştean
The influence of rolling technological factors on the quality of reinforcing steel


C. Munteanu, D.L. Chicet, B. Istrate, M. Benchea, C. Paulin, I. Vida-Simiti
Evaluation of abrasive wear resistance of self-fluxing Ni-base coatings by s D.L.cratch testing


Marius Brebenel, Corneliu Berbente
A new approach for mathematical modeling of chemical kinetics


Vlad-Marius Bolocan, Dragoș-Dumitru Vâlsan, Corneliu-Marius Crăciunescu
Actuation based on phase transformations in microlayered architectures


D. Environmental Engineering and Energy
Ioana Tismanar, Anca Duta
Vis-active TiO2 – g-C3N4 photocatalytic coatings for advanced wastewater treatment and self-cleaning applications


E. Civil Engineering and Transport Engineering
Marinescu Andrei, Nicolae Golovanov
VGI: smart grid integration of electric vehicle


Dan Constantinescu
Energy sizing of nZEB buildings (I)


F. Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Computer Sciences and Engineering
Oguz Ozan Yolcan, Ramazan Kose
Providing the electricity need of a house with photovoltaic panels: Kütahya case study


AGIR Publishing House

Special Issue
Most citated papers, published since 2016
To send an email to Editor click on his name.



Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation (JESI) is indexed in the following databases for academic journals:

– Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ);
– EBSCO, Publishing Inc.;
– Open Academic Journal Index (OAJI);
– Index Copernicus;
– Google Scholar;
– Journalspedia.

  • Publishing staff

Editing: Ing. Iolanda Constanţa PANAIT

Cover: Mihai GĂZDARU

  •  Technical Sciences Academy of Romania

26, Dacia Blvd., Bucharest 030167, Romania

Tel.: (+4)021.316.89.93; E-mail:

  • AGIR Publishing House

118, Calea Victoriei, Bucharest 010093, Romania

Tel./fax: (+4)021.3168992; E-mail:


Editor-in-chief: Valeriu V. JINESCU
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Co-editor: Florin Teodor TANASESCU
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Honorary editor: Mihai MIHAITA
President of Technical Sciences Academy of Romania
Managing editor: Dan BOGDAN
AGIR Publishing House

Quarterly multidisciplinary scientific journal:

– covers all disciplines of engineering sciences;
– free of charge. No processing and submission charges;
– open access;
– hard copy version, ISSN 2601 -6699;
– on-line version, ISSN-L2537 – 320X;
– high visibility, anyone can read and/or download a paper;

Copyright. Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation (JESI) has the copyright for all the published papers; it is a Gold Open Access Journal.
The readers are free to download, copy and distribute the paper content, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation and cited the paper author(s).

Journals fusion. Starting January 01, 2022 the journals mentioned below fuse with JESI and terminate their activity. The issues specific to each journal will be included in the appropriate section of the JESI:

‒ the journal Termotehnica / Thermal Engineering / Thermotehnique, will be included in section Thermal Science and Engineering;

‒ the Romanian Journal of Mechanics will be included in the section Mechanical Engineering;

‒ the Journal Telecommunications will be included in the section Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Sciences and Engineering.



A. Mechanical Engineering
Năstăsescu Vasile
The influence of Poisson’s ratio in the calculus of functionally graded plates


Mircea Radeş
Using CoMIFs in structural modal testing


Corneliu Munteanu, Cristian Stescu, Daniela Chicet, Ioan Vida-Simiti, Bogdan Istrate, Ioan Doroftei, Raul George Ciubotariu
Study of the wear behavior of bronze coatings deposited by the EAS Method


B. Thermal Science and Engineering
Ibrahim Usman Haruna, Ibrahim Ahmad Rufai, Dalhatu Balarabe Yayaya
Effects of the height of supply outlet of façade-mounted hybrid downdraft evaporative cooler on the indoor air quality of an office building


C. Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering
Dumitra Lucan, Claudia Samarineanu, Gheorghița Jinescu
Critical materials as key factor providing efficiency in energy engineering


E. Civil Engineering and Transport Engineering
Ana-Maria Dabija
Thermal rehabilitation of residential buildings or efficiency vs effectiveness in envelope of existing buildings


F. Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Computer Sciences and Engineering
Liviu Goraș, Monica Fira
On unstable modes in graph-type circuits


Vasile Sima
Efficient computation of the L-infinity norm of descriptor systems


Rachel Apolince Assona Nguefack, Jean Mbihi, Bruno Kenfack
A novel smart instrument for multilevel alerting and multivariable monitoring of urinary absorption process into a textile medium


Hasbullah Hasbullah, Lindra Aulia Rachman
Fearless design on the gas leak (fire suppression and smart alert system)


AGIR Publishing House

Special Issue
Most citated papers, published since 2016
To send an email to Editor click on his name.



Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation (JESI) is indexed in the following databases for academic journals:

– Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ);
– EBSCO, Publishing Inc.;
– Open Academic Journal Index (OAJI);
– Index Copernicus;
– Google Scholar;
– Journalspedia.

  • Publishing staff

Editing: Ing. Iolanda Constanţa PANAIT

Cover: Mihai GĂZDARU

  •  Technical Sciences Academy of Romania

26, Dacia Blvd., Bucharest 030167, Romania

Tel.: (+4)021.316.89.93; E-mail:

  • AGIR Publishing House

118, Calea Victoriei, Bucharest 010093, Romania

Tel./fax: (+4)021.3168992; E-mail:


Editor-in-chief: Valeriu V. JINESCU
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Co-editor: Florin Teodor TANASESCU
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Honorary editor: Mihai MIHAITA
President of Technical Sciences Academy of Romania
Managing editor: Dan BOGDAN
AGIR Publishing House

Quarterly multidisciplinary scientific journal:

– covers all disciplines of engineering sciences;
– free of charge. No processing and submission charges;
– open access;
– hard copy version, ISSN 2601 -6699;
– on-line version, ISSN-L2537 – 320X;
– high visibility, anyone can read and/or download a paper;

Copyright. Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation (JESI) has the copyright for all the published papers; it is a Gold Open Access Journal.
The readers are free to download, copy and distribute the paper content, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation and cited the paper author(s).

Journals fusion. Starting January 01, 2022 the journals mentioned below fuse with JESI and terminate their activity. The issues specific to each journal will be included in the appropriate section of the JESI:

‒ the journal Termotehnica / Thermal Engineering / Thermotehnique, will be included in section Thermal Science and Engineering;

‒ the Romanian Journal of Mechanics will be included in the section Mechanical Engineering;

‒ the Journal Telecommunications will be included in the section Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Sciences and Engineering.



A. Mechanical Engineering
Ionel Staretu, Ion Voicu
New method of sterilization and disinfection of objects infected with COVID 19 and prototype test


B. Thermal Science and Engineering
Ban Alexandra, Bungău Constantin
Estimation of the initial investment cost in systems equipped with heat pumps using regression analysis


C. Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering
Patrice Berthod
As–cast microstructures of HEA designed to be strengthened by HfC


Ioan Ilca, Daniela Miloştean, Ştefan Balazsi
Increasing of rolling mill rolls durability in operation – part II


Justina Georgiana Motaș, Fabrizio Quadrini, Simona-Nicoleta Mazurchevici, Dumitru Nedelcu
OTR and surface-wetting of coated Arboblend V2 Nature sheets


Petru Moldovan, Mihai Buțu, Constantin-Domenic Stăncel
New in-situ composite materials with aluminium alloy matrix (6063) and vanadium boride particles


D. Environmental Engineering and Energy
Liliana Rusu
A MATLAB toolbox for analysis of the environmental matrix in open seas and coastal areas


E. Civil Engineering and Transport Engineering
Muhammad Rizqi Ramadhani,, Rusdiansyah
The stabilization effect of peat soil using an effective microorganism reviewed from CBR Value


G. Petroleum and Mining Engineering
Zisopol DragoȘ Gabriel, Dumitrescu Andrei, Minescu Mihail, Bădicioiu Marius, Călţaru Mihaela
Equipment for quality assessment of the copper pipes and fittings used within natural gas installations


H. Inter – and Transdisciplinarity in Science and Technology
Corneliu Berbente, Sorin Berbente, Marius Brebenel
A possible way to unify the electrostatic (Coulomb) and nuclear (Yukawa) interactions by using a hydrodynamic analogy


AGIR Publishing House

Special Issue
Most citated papers, published since 2016
To send an email to Editor click on his name.