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Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation (JESI) is indexed in the following databases for academic journals:

– Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ);
– EBSCO, Publishing Inc.;
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– Index Copernicus;
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  • Publishing staff

Editing: Ing. Iolanda Constanţa PANAIT

Cover: Mihai GĂZDARU

  •  Technical Sciences Academy of Romania

26, Dacia Blvd., Bucharest 030167, Romania

Tel.: (+4)021.316.89.93; E-mail: contact@astr.ro

  • AGIR Publishing House

118, Calea Victoriei, Bucharest 010093, Romania

Tel./fax: (+4)021.3168992; E-mail: editura@agir.ro



Editor-in-chief: Valeriu V. JINESCU
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Co-editor: Florin Teodor TANASESCU
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Honorary editor: Mihai MIHAITA
Honorary President of Technical Sciences Academy of Romania
Managing editor: Dan BOGDAN
AGIR Publishing House

Quarterly multidisciplinary scientific journal:

– covers all disciplines of engineering sciences;
– free of charge. No processing and submission charges;
– open access;
– hard copy version, ISSN 2601 -6699;
– on-line version, ISSN-L2537 – 320X;
– high visibility, anyone can read and/or download a paper;
– jesi@astr.ro

Copyright. Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation (JESI) has the copyright for all the published papers; it is a Gold Open Access Journal.
The readers are free to download, copy and distribute the paper content, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation and cited the paper author(s).

Journals fusion. Starting January 01, 2022 the journals mentioned below fuse with JESI and terminate their activity. The issues specific to each journal will be included in the appropriate section of the JESI:

‒ the journal Termotehnica / Thermal Engineering / Thermotehnique, will be included in section Thermal Science and Engineering;

‒ the Romanian Journal of Mechanics will be included in the section Mechanical Engineering;

‒ the Journal Telecommunications will be included in the section Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Sciences and Engineering (starting with nr. 3/2022 of JESI journal).



A. Mechanical Engineering
Doina Pisla, Bogdan Gherman, Paul Tucan, Adrian Pisla, Nadim Hajjar, Andrei Cailean, Călin Vaida

On the accuracy assessment of a parallel robot for the minimally invasive cancer treatment


C. Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering

Alexandra Jinga, Mărioara Abrudeanu, Vasile Radu, Alexandru Nitu, Livia Stoica
Study of the influence of zirconium hydrides on fatigue crack initiation at volumetric flaws on CANDU 600 reactor pressure tubes


Naomi A. Ogolo, Mike O. Onyekonwu, Abbey T. Michael

Problems of Stokes’ law application in determining the settling velocity of clays


D. Environmental Engineering and Energy
Eugen Rusu, Florin Onea, Alexandra Diaconita, Liliana Rusu
Assessment of the solar and wind energy potential related to Romanian southern lakes


Ionela-Mihaela Roșu (Marin), Cosmin Jinescu
Multiple pollution effects in urban areas on the environment and living organism


Zhonghua Cui, Alexandru Ozunu, Ying Li, Carmen Roba, Marin Șenilă, Jun Meng
Preparation of biochar from co-pyrolysis of carbide slag and swine manure for adsorption of heavy metal cadmium


E. Civil Engineering and Transport Engineering

Radu Zlatian, Ovidiu Dreșcă, Daniela Rachieru, Ștefan Boștină
Critical safety systems development. Railway application


F. Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Computer Sciences and Engineering

Olimpiu Pop, Lăcrămioara Grama, Corneliu Rusu
A preliminary estimation of an implementation of the network of acoustic sensors for the monitoring of wild area


Laura Teodora Cotorobai, Doru Florin Chiper
An efficient algorithm and architecture for the VLSI implementation of type IV DST using short quasi-band correlation structures allowing efficient incorporation of techniques used for hardware security


AGIR Publishing House


Special Issue
Most citated papers, published since 2016
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