Editor-in-chief: Valeriu V. JINESCU University Politehnica of Bucharest Co-editor: Florin Teodor TANASESCU University Politehnica of Bucharest Honorary editor: Mihai MIHAITA President of Technical Sciences Academy of RomaniaManaging editor: Ioan Ganea AGIR Publishing HouseJournal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation is a quarterly multidisciplinary scientific journal, print and electronic:
A. Mechanical Engineering
Cornel Brisan, Ligia Munteanu, Veturia Chiroiu
On the acoustic invisibility
Mocian Oana Alexandra, Constantinescu Dan Mihai, Sandu Marin, Sorohan Ştefan
Low-velocity impact testing of foam core sandwich panels
Urse Georgeta Ion Durbacă, Iolanda Constanţa Panait
Some research results on the tightness and strength of flange joints
B. Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering
Mihai Ovidiu Cojocaru, Leontin Drugă, Mihai Brânzei, Florică Tudose
Titano-Aluminizing of Nickel based Super-Alloys
Ioan Ilca, Daniela Miloştean
The deformability and thermal treatment for the low alloyed Romanian
steel of high resistance
C. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Gianfranco Chicco, Roberto Napoli
Challenges for a transition towards the smart grids
Aurélien Mercier, Mahana Bernier, Cédric Boudinet, Yvon Bésanger
Decentralized system controlling the phase connection of a single-phase installation
Bogdan Dumitrescu, Horia Gavrila
Models using artificial intelligence to optimize the use of wireless
network sensors in pharmaceutical depots. I: conception
Special Issue
Most citated papers, published since 2016
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