Ethics and Malpractice Statement

  1. Editors’ Responsibilities and Rights:
  • JESI Editor is solely and independently responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted to the journal should be published.
  • In making these decisions, JESI Editor may be guided by the Editorial Board members and may confer with other editors or reviewers.
  • JESI Editor ensures that the peer review process is fair, unbiased, and timely. Research articles are reviewed by at least two external and independent reviewers who have suitable expertise in the scientific field of the submitted paper.
  • JESI Editor strongly rejects any attempt by reviewers to be cited in the reviewed paper.
  • JESI Editor protects the confidentiality of the submitted materials as well as all communications with reviewers.
  • JESI Editor ensures that any unpublished material disclosed in a submitted manuscript will not be used by the editor in his/her own research work.
  • JESI Editor is not involved in decisions about papers written by him/herself or by family members or colleagues or which relate to products or services in which the editor has an interest.
  • In case of suspecting any misconduct or plagiarism in the submitted paper and materials, JESI Editor urgently contact the author to promptly remove or correct the texts in question and may inform the relevant institutions and research bodies about this integrity issue.


  1. Reviewers’ Responsibilities and Rights:
  • Reviewer assist JESI Editor in making editorial decisions and may assist the author in improving the paper.
  • Reviewer notifies JESI Editor in case he/she feels unqualified to review the assigned paper.
  • Reviewer keeps confidential any manuscript received for review.
  • Reviewer will not use in his/her own research work any unpublished material disclosed in a submitted manuscript.
  • Reviewer brings to the attention of the editor any potential ethical issues in the paper.
  • Reviews are conducted objectively and supported by arguments; any personal criticism of the author are avoided.


  1. Authors’ Statement


Title of the paper:





Each undersigned author declares that:

  • All the authors mentioned in this manuscript have agreed for authorship, read and approved the final version of the manuscript, and given consent for submission and subsequent publication.
  • The order of authorship has been agreed by all named authors.
  • This manuscript, in part or in full, has not been submitted or published anywhere. It is original, not a duplicate publication.
  • The manuscript will not be submitted elsewhere until the editorial process is completed.
  • Once published in JESI, the paper is not being submitted by any of the co-authors to be published elsewhere in the same content and language (or any other language), on paper or electronically.
  • All ideas and data extracted from unpublished or published works, or internet sources, belonging to the works of others, are used in minor portions, and fully and correctly quoted in the text and written in the reference list.
  • This manuscript does not contain material from unreferenced sources.
  • The copyright of the printed paper is assigned to JESI for three (3) years.
  • The authors take the sole responsibility for all the issues related to plagiarism or any copyright infringements.
  • This manuscript meets the requirements as stated in

The manuscript file, sent to JESI, is considered for peer-review and printing, only if it is accompanied by this Statement of Ethics form (as a scanned copy).

Signed by:

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First name LAST NAME
Scientific title, position
Institution, Country
Signature Date
First name LAST NAME
Scientific title, position
Institution, Country
Signature Date
First name LAST NAME
Scientific title, position
Institution, Country
Signature Date
First name LAST NAME
Scientific title, position
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Signature Date
First name LAST NAME
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Signature Date
First name LAST NAME
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Institution, Country