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- Original research and Short Communications should include the sections: Introduction, with a literature survey or a brief summary of the obtained results concerning the topic of the paper. Materials and methods, provide sufficient details to give the possibility that the experiments could be reproduced by another researcher. Theory section, should contain the theoretical basis of the paper, possibly just calculations as a practical development from a theoretical basis. Results and discussions, should be clear and concise, referring to the significance of the results obtained in the research. Conclusions, should contain a short presentation of the main findings of the study.
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Chapter titles: bold, left aligned, font Times New Roman, 11 pts. numbered in Arabs. Enter one clear line after title.
Subtitles: decimal numbering (i.e. 1.1., 1.2., 1.3.) left aligned, bold, TNR, 11 pts. Sub subtitles: decimal numbering (i.e. 1.1.1., 1.1.2., 1.1.3.) left aligned, italic, TNR, 10 pts. Enter one clear line after subtitles and sub subtitles.
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Tables: included in text, numbered in Arabs. Each table should have a caption placed above the table, centered, TNR 9 pts. Example: Table 1. All tables must be cited in text and numbered consecutively throughout the paper. Enter one clear line after tables.
Equations: centered, numbered in brackets ( ). Equation editor: Normal: 11 pt; Subscript/superscript: 7 pt; Sub-subscript: 5 pt; Symbol: 17 pt; Sub-symbol: 11 pt. All equations should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper.
Notations, on the second page of the paper.
References: References should be numbered consecutively (numerals in square brackets) throughout the text. References should be listed in order of citation, at the end of the paper, after one clear line, numbered in square brackets [ ] in TNR 9 pts. Standard citations for books [1], journal published papers [2], “Proceedings” published papers [3], patents [4], are as follows:
[1] Petrescu S., Treatise on Thermal Engineering, AGIR, Bucharest, 2011.
[2] Zhang T. – Y., Liu G., Wang Y., Tong P., Application of the concepts of fracture mechanics to the failure of conductive cracks in piezoelectric ceramics, Eng. Fracture Mech., 74, 2007, p. 1160-1173.
[3] Ionescu G., Popescu I., A general mixed-mode brittle fracture criterion for cracked materials, Proceedings of the VII-th International Conference, München, Germany, 2005, p. 258-269.
[4] Johnson J., U.S. Patent 10, 143, 620, 1998.
For other types of publications, where there is doubt include all bibliographical details.
Web references: As a minimum, the full URL should be given. It is indicated to include the date when the reference was last accessed.
Acknowledgements: Introduce acknowledgements at the end of the paper before the references. List those who provided help during the research, list funding sources. If not funding has been provided specify this.